Why is Content Marketing So Important?

Why is Content Marketing So Important?

Content Marketing came into the forefront this past year, but what exactly does it mean? And why do we recommend it for your business?

Content Marketing simply means adding content to your website in the form of blog articles or white papers. These articles should be written for your audience and are unique, informative, and offers something of value to them. How do you accomplish this? What can you write about?

1) Answer a Question. Has there been a question that has been asked multiple times about your product or service? Create a list of these questions and answer them in your blog. Most companies have an unlimited supply of FAQs that their customers ask, so why not answer them on your website?

2) Follow Industry Trends. In your industry, what is a current trend that your customers should know? New product or services trends that would make their lives easier or better. Become an informer in all things new and exciting and write about it.

3) What Problem Can You Solve? What can you provide your customer in terms of a service or product that can solve their problem? Think about it from a customer’s view. Why should someone hire you? What valuable service does your firm provide that sets you apart from your competition?

4) Case Studies: In terms of B2B marketing, businesses love to see how you helped another company succeed in their goals. If you made your customer’s processes more efficient, saved them money, or improved their sales conversions, be sure to write about it. Including a testimonial will help potential clients trust you when it comes to their business.

5) Share! Research and find where your customers hang out. If it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, then share your content there and promote it within online communities. You have to know where your customers are in order to properly market to them.

Content creation should be an integral part of your marketing and time should be set aside for it. Content ideas can come from your sales team, R&D, even from your competitors. If you don’t have time to create and market your content, we can help you with our Maintain and Build website maintenance packages. In addition to backing up data files and hourly updating, we can help you build your content to make your site an authority in your industry. Contact us if you would like a consultation or would like to get started!

The TOVO Manage Team